SQL, Números aleatorios
Método 1 : Generar un número aleatorio entre un rango
---- Create the variables for the random number generation DECLARE @Random INT; DECLARE @Upper INT; DECLARE @Lower INT ---- This will create a random number between 1 and 999 SET @Lower = 1 ---- The lowest random number SET @Upper = 999 ---- The highest random number SELECT @Random = ROUND(((@Upper - @Lower -1) * RAND() + @Lower), 0) SELECT @Random
Método 2 : Generar un número aleatorio flotante
SELECT RAND( (DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) * 100000 ) + (DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()) * 1000 ) + DATEPART(ms, GETDATE()) )
Método 3 : Generar un número aleatorio rápido
---- random float from 0 up to 20 - [0, 20) SELECT 20*RAND() -- random float from 10 up to 30 - [10, 30) SELECT 10 + (30-10)*RAND() --random integer BETWEEN 0 AND 20 - [0, 20] SELECT CONVERT(INT, (20+1)*RAND()) ----random integer BETWEEN 10 AND 30 - [10, 30] SELECT 10 + CONVERT(INT, (30-10+1)*RAND())
Método 4 : Números aleatorios (Float, Int) Tablas basadas en tiempo
DECLARE @t TABLE( randnum float ) DECLARE @cnt INT; SET @cnt = 0 WHILE @cnt <=10000 BEGIN SET @cnt = @cnt + 1 INSERT INTO @t SELECT RAND( (DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) * 100000 ) + (DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()) * 1000 ) + DATEPART(ms, GETDATE()) ) END SELECT randnum, COUNT(*) FROM @t GROUP BY randnum
Método 5 : Número aleatorio por fila
---- The distribution is pretty good however there are the occasional peaks. ---- If you want to change the range of values just change the 1000 to the maximum value you want. ---- Use this as the source of a report server report and chart the results to see the distribution SELECT randomNumber, COUNT(1) countOfRandomNumber FROM ( SELECT ABS(CAST(NEWID() AS binary(6)) %1000) + 1 randomNumber FROM sysobjects) sample GROUP BY randomNumber ORDER BY randomNumber
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